Alan McLaughlin

How Seaweed Farming can help in the fight against Climate Change

Where do we Start? When we think of ways to help prevent climate change you would be forgiven to only think aboutchanges that we need to make on land! People immediately think of the need to decreaseemissions into the atmosphere from our land based cars, power plants, factories and farms etc. Inturn, thinking this way …

How Seaweed Farming can help in the fight against Climate Change Read More »

What is the ‘Blue Economy’ and how it relates to Aquaculture & Seaweed Farming

The Blue Economy is the concept that utilises all of the ocean’s resources for the benefit ofhumans, including fish and other seafood, seaweed and kelp. Seaweed is one of those resourcesthat has been largely ignored until now because it just wasn’t seen as having much value.However, new research has shown that seaweeds are capable of …

What is the ‘Blue Economy’ and how it relates to Aquaculture & Seaweed Farming Read More »