How Seaweed Farming can help in the fight against Climate Change


Where do we Start?

When we think of ways to help prevent climate change you would be forgiven to only think about
changes that we need to make on land! People immediately think of the need to decrease
emissions into the atmosphere from our land based cars, power plants, factories and farms etc. In
turn, thinking this way then only limits the possibilities of land based solutions to change our
ways. The truth of the matter is land on Earth is made up of less than 1/3 of the Planets surface.
So when we begin to think about our Oceans and the ability to harness it in our fight then the
potential outcome to win that fight becomes a lot more optimistic! But!, We must employ any
possible strategies when thinking about using our Oceans in a correct and ethical way.
Article: The United Nations believes that the Ocean is our greatest ally in the fight against climate

Seaweed Farming History

One of the strategies that we can employ in the fight is the by Farming Seaweed. The idea of
farming seaweed is not new. Seaweed is an important part of the marine food chain, and has
been harvested by humans for thousands of years. The first known written account of seaweed
farming comes from China in 2350 BC.

Modern Seaweed Farming Ideals

Seaweed farming is an important part of ocean management that can help us reverse the damage
caused by climate change. Seaweed not only helps remove excess carbon dioxide from our
atmosphere but also acts as a natural defence against rising sea levels due to climate change.
There is a potential to restore large amounts of seaweed via periodic harvesting and replanting to
promote growth.

Seaweed absorbs more carbon than trees!

Seaweed is a great carbon sink. It can remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the
ocean, where it doesn’t contribute to climate change. In fact, seaweed has been shown to absorb
more carbon than trees and other land-based plants!

In addition to being an excellent way of absorbing greenhouse gases, seaweed also removes
nitrogen from the water and can de-acidify the ocean – which can help prevent harmful algal
blooms like red tide or “dead” zones in coastal areas.
Farming seaweed, when it is planted it absorbs carbon at a rate of 22 tons per hectare annually.
Seaweed absorbs carbon dioxide from the ocean and uses it to grow. It can be cultivated in many
areas of the world, which means that everyone has access to this plant’s potential to fight climate

Using Seaweed as a fertiliser

Seaweed has also been used as a fertilizer for hundreds of years. It’s a great source of nutrients
and can be used to improve the soil quality, helping plants grow stronger and more effectively. By
using seaweed as fertilizer, farmers can reduce the amount of CO2 emissions generated from
making conventional synthetic fertilizers, which are derived from fossil fuels and therefore
contribute to climate change. Seaweed does not need any fertilizer or pesticides and it grows
quickly — about three times faster than land crops such as rice, wheat, soybeans and corn.
Growing seaweed could also be an alternative source of income for farmers who are struggling
with low crop prices caused by oversupply on the market.
Seaweed improves soil quality and crop yields
Seaweed can improve the structure of soil, making it more suitable for plant growth. In addition to
holding onto nutrients, seaweed also increases soil pH and helps combat nutrient deficiency in
the soil by replacing potassium with calcium carbonate (lime).

The Bioenergy Market

New bioenergy markets are being created by seaweed farming and have lower CO2 emissions
than traditional fossil fuels. Bioenergy is a renewable source of energy that can be used as a
substitute for fossil fuels. Bioenergy is carbon neutral and does not contribute to climate change.
Examples of bioenergy include:

  • Wood products
  • Biodiesel (a substitute for petroleum diesel)
  • Biogas (a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor made by anaerobic
    It can also be used as an additive to fossil fuels or in its own right.

The Blue Economy and Aquaculture

The blue economy is a growing sector and it’s important to note that seaweed farming can be part
of this.
Seaweed farming is a sustainable industry, meaning it doesn’t pose any threats to the
environment or human health. It also has many benefits for both marine life and humans alike. We
will be investigating this specifically in a further Blog!


Seaweed farming helps in the fight against climate change by reducing carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. It also helps in restoring marine ecosystems that have been destroyed by human
activities such as overfishing and pollution
Seaweed farming is one of the most sustainable ways to combat climate change because it
reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide levels while producing food and nutrients needed for other
types of agriculture to thrive. It can also help restore damaged marine ecosystems, improve water
quality and provide habitats for fish species that would otherwise be lost from overfishing or

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